Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Energy Forms Curriculum Outline


Brainstorm: what are the different forms of energy?
Energy sorting activity/chocolate kiss heat energy experiment
Read aloud (Fueling the Future: Wind Energy)
School house rock video/energy sources activity
Read aloud (Let’s Try it Out in the Air)
Will the wind blow it experiment (predict what will blow and what will not--then do experiment)


Brainstorm: what is Pollution/pollution sort activity
Read aloud (Wind Power)
Brainstorm: What is global warming
Learn about the environment reading/responses
Read aloud (Energy Experiments)
Can you move the car experiment


Sound energy powerpoint/sorting activities
Sound vibration experiment
Solar energy powerpoint/solar oven experiment
Balloon soda bottle heat/solar energy experiment


Brainstorm: how can you measure the wind?
Directionality/weather vane (anemometer) project
Windblown painted mural (predict what will happen when you add more/less water)


Paper airplane challenge
Read aloud (The Boy who Harnessed the Wind)
Character trait windmills
Read aloud (Curious George Flies a Kite)
Breath race activity
Read aloud (Flight)
Kite making/testing


Decorate/make pinwheels
Read aloud (The Flyer Flew)
Anemometer construction


Make wind turbines
Natural resources powerpoint/ sorting activity
Bill Nye video

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