Saturday, November 7, 2015

Gardening Project Curriculum

  • Friend of the Day- getting to know our classmates through picking out a name from a hat and asking that person questions about themselves. Students create an individual page for the Friend of the Day that is put into a book that the Friend of the Day takes home that afternoon.
  • Question: What is a seed?
    • Collect information from students about what they know or think they know about seeds
    • Read the book Seeds and add to our chart of what we know about seeds
    • Record additional questions we have about seeds
  • Exploration: Observing and diagramming a lima bean
  • Introduction to Scientific Method:
    • Explain observation, hypothesis and conclusion.
    • Use these terms to make a hypothesis (as a picture with labels in “Seed Journal”)
    • about what will happen to dill seeds planted in eggshells with one wet cotton-ball and one dry cotton- ball


  • Friend of the Day
  • Spanish: Introduce days of the week and the current month
  • Seed Study:
    • Read aloud How A Seed Grows
  • Revisit scientific method
    • Demonstrate what happens when you dip a finger in dishwashing liquid and then into a bowl of pepper
    • Create a hypothesis about what might happen with other types of soaps (shampoo and regular bar soap)
    • Test hypothesis
  • Plant Kidney beans in jars with damp paper towels
    • make a hypothesis in journals what will happen to the beans/how they will grow over time


  • Friend of the Day
  • Spanish
  • Seed Study:
    • Read Aloud Seed is Sleepy
  • Graphing
    • Taking surveys of favorite ice cream flavors, animals, etc.
    • Modeling how to show results of survey on a bar graph, students create their own graphs


  • Friend of the Day
  • Spanish
  • Seed Study:
    • Read Alouds- What do Roots Do? How do Flowers Grow?
    • Mystery Science video: students get a “plant card” that tells them what conditions their plant grows best in. Students decide where to plant based on information about sections of a garden given in video.
  • Area and Perimeter:
    • Model how to find the perimeter of items in the classroom with objects in the room (popsicle sticks, marbles, crayons, etc.)
    • Students find items in the room to measure (glue bottle, table, book, etc.) the perimeter using these items and record findings
    • Model finding perimeter using square grid paper--counting sides
    • Finding area by counting number of squares on the inside
    • Students design a play area for their pet on square graph paper and record area and perimeter

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