Saturday, April 30, 2016

Pet Care and Animal Advocacy Curriculum Overview


Brainstorm: what are some types of household pets? What do household pets need?
Read aloud “If You Were a Veterinarian”
Brainstorm: what is healthy/unhealthy for pets


Read aloud and game: The Do’s/Don’ts of pet safety
read aloud “Be A Pet Sitter”
Create an Ad to be a pet sitter
What do pets need?
Read aloud “Do You Really Want a Dog?”
Draw a dog how-to story
Read aloud “Do You Really Want a Cat?”
Create a how-to draw a cat step by step guide


Share dog stories
Hamsters KWL brainstorm  
Read aloud "Our New Hamster"
Design a hamster home planning sheets
Begin constructing hamster homes
Gerbil read aloud/ Venn diagram similarities and differences


Constructing hamster homes
Read aloud "Hot Rod Hamster"
"Hot Rod Hamster" subtraction racecourse activity
Read aloud (other rodents)/venn diagram
Read aloud ("Humans Make Terrible Pets")
Pet association activities--matching cards of equipment/needs to specific animal


Brainstorm: how do animals help people?
Read aloud ("Animal Helpers" book)
Brainstorm: what do we know about dolphins? Want to know/learn?
Read aloud "Winter’s Tail"
Watch Winter on aquarium web cam
Dolphin research-- write about ways that dolphins help people and what we like about dolphins.
Brainstorm: how can we help animals?
Read aloud "Two Bobbies" and watch news story video
How can we protect our pets from extreme weather? Research and list.


Dolphin synonyms/antonyms collage
Read aloud (Hope for Winter)
Read aloud ("Helping Animals"
Reading about and presenting about endangered animals
Read aloud ("Dear Mr. Mutt)
Bake homemade dog treats
Video: Dogs with Jobs


Complete hamster homes
Writing our own letters to Mr. Mutt (pet problems)
Respond to Mr. Mutt letters 

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